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La Sagra Italiana in Glasgow

La Sagra Italiana in Glasgow

Yesterday I spent my afternoon at the Sagra Italian in George Square in Glasgow. A Sagra is a festival that often happens during the summer in every Italian village to showcase their culture, tradition and culinary specialities. And La Sagra Italiana 2019 is a perfect […]

Italy on a plate

Italy on a plate

In the last few days, I started to declutter and spring cleaning the house and amongst magazines and recipe books, I found an award I wan in 2009 at a cookery exibition and competition in Glasgow. I don’t take enough credit for all my accomplishments […]

My ultimate passion … bread!

My ultimate passion … bread!

I love making bread, taking few simple ingredients like flour, yeast, salt and water and create magic! Bread is at the base of every community. In Italy, as in many other countries, the mill and the wood oven used to be shared by many family […]

Dauphinoise potatoes … my family must have dish for every occasion

Dauphinoise potatoes … my family must have dish for every occasion

I finally have some head-space to post in my favourite place … my blog. The past few months have been emotionally and physically very intense and demanding. Although in the past months I cooked and tasted amazing food, I posted more on my Instagram account […]



First wintery weather call for emergency measure! While beautiful wintery sceneries are popping up in my social media feeds more and more often in the last few days. Like this picture of Balmoral Castle with a light dust of snow on the grounds. I crave […]

How to celebrate your BIG birthday in style

How to celebrate your BIG birthday in style

In the past 2 weeks, Scotland was on holiday, and these are called “tatties holidays” as in the past pupils did not attend school to go in the fields to harvest potatoes. The school decided to have two weeks holiday to allow them to work […]

Upside-down cannelloni

Upside-down cannelloni

Many years ago I visited a beautiful village in the north of Italy called Valeggio Sul Mincio.  Valeggio is not only renown for its beauty and historical importance, but it’s also a gastronomical hotspot for fresh pasta and tortellini. One of the last time I […]

WOW 2018 and the recipes for Homesickness

WOW 2018 and the recipes for Homesickness

Last weekend was great, it started very well when I received this lovely book about the less renown history of many Scottish women. The authour will be at the Blairgowrie book festival this weekend but unfortunately, I will not be able to go so I’m enjoying the book […]

Coral runner beans

Coral runner beans

                Do you remember the pasta recipe with courgette and courgette’s flower I posted I while ago? Well today I went back to my friends Federica for a coffee and a chat and as last time, I came […]

Pesto salmon and veggies parcel

Pesto salmon and veggies parcel

Another amazing meal with Scottish ingredients and Italian flavours to celebrate the Sottish Food and Drink Fortnight. For this recipe, I used my pesto recipe (that you can find it here). I found this recipe on this amazing blog, and I changed it very very slightly. The […]